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Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration

When registering a trademark, you must always consider hiring a skilled attorney to assist you through the procedure. The process might seem as simple as A-B-C, but registering a trademark all by yourself isn’t all that easy. It is prudent to partner with an expert early on to ensure that due diligence is conducted and you do not create any costly legal problems on the way. An experienced trademark attorney can advise you on the registration and the use of the proposed trademark.

Understanding Trademark Registration

Not everyone is aware of how U.S. law works concerning trademark registration and the obligations encompassing it. Despite filing for the trademark with accuracy, you can infringe on someone else’s rights and be sued for the same. Therefore, partnering with an attorney saves you from application mistakes, and they can also advise you on proper ownership of the trademark.

If you are a small business, hiring an expert can seem tricky. The filing fee is already high. On top of which, engaging with an attorney might be out of the league. However, a DIY trademark application procedure isn’t all that a money saver. One mistake, and you can lose the filing fee, the application may be rejected, and the entire process might have to be restarted.

Trademark registration helps protect your company name and its logo – the most valuable assets of any business. It legally safeguards your business so no one else can claim it. This helps keep your branding ideas unique, secure, and protected from infringement. Thus, experts perform comprehensive research on the existing marks making the process easy.

The attorney you work with will first make efforts to understand your business. This allows the professional to file a suitable application, one that is according to your branding. It also helps in documenting the proper owner. The attorney isn’t just responsible for processes prior registration but also with post-registration documentation. They explain your legal rights and the best ways to enforce the trademark.

Trusted Houston Business Law Attorneys

The attorneys at Daniel Albert Law Firm have experience dealing with all aspects of business law, specifically trademark registration. We have represented businesses, small and large, with utmost honesty, professionalism, and firmness. We can do that for you too. Our skilled Houston business law attorneys have the know-how to tactfully and successfully represent clients in the best way possible.

  • Identify any registration problems
  • Conduct a thorough mark search
  • Evaluate your trademark
  • Advise you on choosing a strong mark
  • Explain the strategies to give your mark absolute protection
  • Prepare and file the application
  • Explain the likelihood of your application’s approval
  • Tactfully respond to any upcoming issues
  • Enforce the mark and help prevent infringing uses

Schedule a Consultation with Daniel Albert Law Firm Today.

The Daniel Albert Law Firm attorneys take a professional and compassionate approach to every case. We have a proven track record of helping you bring a desirable result to your specific case. Ours is a single source, full-spectrum legal firm, handling every case affordably, diligently, and with as little trouble as possible to you.

Call us on 832-930-3059 and book a consultation today.

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