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Daniel Albert Law FirmDaniel Albert Law Firm


In the United States, couples marrying for the first time have a fifty percent chance of separation. The problem of divorce plagues most couples for reasons including abuse, lack of commitment, infidelity, marrying too young, or unrealistic expectations. Divorce is the termination of a marriage by court judgment.

A judicial decree declares the marriage to be dissolved, and both spouses are free to remarry. Most divorces are obtained by agreement between both parties to the marriage, allowing the couple to progress through the court system reasonably quickly and easily, with and without legal representation. However, a small percentage cannot come to a satisfactory agreement regarding the termination of their marriage. These couples utilize full legal representation and must avail themselves of their state’s legal system in obtaining a divorce and reaching decisions regarding the associated problems.

At Daniel Albert Law Firm, we use the state’s judicial system to employ our qualified divorce lawyers representing couples who want a separation. We understand your pain of going through divorce proceedings and, thus, make the transition as smooth and convenient as possible for you.

Divorce Law – Which Applies To Your Case?

This practice is a subset of Family Law dictated by different state laws, statutes, rules, codes, and common law. Therefore, the laws and procedures can vary significantly from one state to another. Divorce law includes the following topics, and determining which applies to you is possible with the help of an expert:

Child Support: A determination of the monetary obligation parents have for their minor children. It also addresses medical and health insurance coverage, school expenses, and the like.

Child Custody and Visitation: Operating in the child’s best interests, we help determine how the child will spend the time with each parent, visitation schedules, holiday schedules, and parenting time.

Spousal Support/ Alimony Maintenance: One spouse will need monetary support from the other spouse for a finite period. Many factors are involved in determining the type of support that should be awarded and the amount and the length of time it should be paid.

Division of Property and Debt: Whether a state is a “community property state” or an “equitable distribution state” is significant in determining marital property, separate property, and how property and debts must be distributed in a divorce proceeding. Other factors such as spousal support and child support often come into play as well.

Separation: There is a considerable difference in recognizing legal separations, how the topics above will be handled when a couple separates, and how the divorce/dissolution that is pending will proceed.

Contact Our Divorce Attorneys Today For a Free, Initial Consultation

Our compassionate and experienced divorce lawyers at Daniel Albert Law Firm are equipped to handle diverse separation cases and get the anticipated results. We will remain sensitive to you and your child’s (if any) needs throughout the time. Besides, we will listen to all your grievances and put forward the most appropriate solution for your unique situation. Call us at 832-930-3059 to book a consultation today.

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